Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Recipe Memory

For Foods I had to write a paragraph about my favorite recipe and fond memories I have because of it. I thought for today's blog and I'd share it with y'all.

 One of the foods I have the fondest memories of is Snickerdoodles. My mom has made Snickerdoodles for as long as I can remember. I've also loved to help her for as long as I can remember. I had a little cream colored apron that I would wear and after I put it on I would climb up on the chair to help her. I remember always giving up after just a few seconds of stirring and then I'd jump back in when it was time to roll them up in little balls. When it was all said and done I was usually covered in flour but we had some delicious little cookies. To this day I'm still somewhat known for my Snickerdoodles. I love to make them for my boyfriend every now and then as a little surprise and usually everyone in the family needs to help test them. I'm still working on perfecting them but I think I'm getting pretty close. No matter what though I always have fun making them and they always bring back a lot of memories.



  1. Um, I haven't had any snickerdoodles in quite a while. We should have a baking day when we have some free time. In a few years.

  2. Well I'm going to have to be perfecting the art of pie crust within the next month so it could be homework.
