Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

So far I have only been to class one day this week. It's been a nice little break. Last week I was getting a little overwhelmed with all the homework so I needed a little rest time. I have taken advantage of the extra time and gotten a little homework done and I'm going to do more this afternoon. It's hard to make yourself do homework though when there's a never ending chick-flick marathon going on at your house. There's a total of 10 girls living in our house this week. It's been fun :) Every couch and bed is full. 

The snow outside can also be a little distracting. Tuesday was my snow day. I don't really have snow clothes with me here so I got cold fast but I did go out for a little while. 

This is Kim with the snow in front of the UC

This is Kim crashing over the snow 
in front of the UC

About to go on our first run down the hill

It was also my last. After this crash 
my pants were soaking wet and I was cold.

The boy and I headed back in after 
our snow adventure. I haven't been trapped
too much because of this boy and his big truck. 

It's been a good week. Full of Disney movies, late night board games, sleeping in, and Just Dance. Now today I need to focus on getting ahead on some homework. But one last picture before I go. 

The roomies and I braved Walmart Monday
night. This was the bread isle. Insane. 

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