Monday, February 21, 2011

So little time so much to do, I'd like to spend one day with you.

It's been a couple weeks but folks I did survive the Snowpocalypse. Life has been crazy. I'm not really even sure what all I have been doing. Trying to get everything done before I go to Belize. It all kind of feels like a blur. 

I got to sing some love songs with my man at Valentine's Open Mic Night

Singing Kiss Me and Wouldn't It Be Nice

Then we got to have our actual Valentine's Day Date. Dinner at Rib Crib (yum) and a movie at the house. We watched Life As We Know It. It was pretty funny.

My hott date

The sweet gifts he got me. That's a Build a Bear.
I've wanted one all my life.

After Valentine's Day is pretty much where everything becomes a blur. Since then I've mostly just been doing homework none stop trying to get everything done that needs to be turned in before I go to Belize. 

I've been working on my pie crust demonstration.
This one only made me cry a couple times.

Put up my 2nd display. Complete with chicken wire
 and 50,000 cut out chickens.
Then on top of that I've been doing whatever other random homework I get assigned and trying to figure out how I'm going to prepare a demonstration, write two research papers, and study for test all before I go to Belize, which is sneaking up fast! I'll figure it out somehow though. Well wish me luck as I try and survive these next two weeks! Hopefully I'll make it out alive.


To all you teachers out there please know the difference between a quiz and a test. Don't fleetingly mention the "quiz" we'll have next week when really you meant a 50 + question test over a chapter we haven't even discussed. Not cool teacher, not cool. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

So far I have only been to class one day this week. It's been a nice little break. Last week I was getting a little overwhelmed with all the homework so I needed a little rest time. I have taken advantage of the extra time and gotten a little homework done and I'm going to do more this afternoon. It's hard to make yourself do homework though when there's a never ending chick-flick marathon going on at your house. There's a total of 10 girls living in our house this week. It's been fun :) Every couch and bed is full. 

The snow outside can also be a little distracting. Tuesday was my snow day. I don't really have snow clothes with me here so I got cold fast but I did go out for a little while. 

This is Kim with the snow in front of the UC

This is Kim crashing over the snow 
in front of the UC

About to go on our first run down the hill

It was also my last. After this crash 
my pants were soaking wet and I was cold.

The boy and I headed back in after 
our snow adventure. I haven't been trapped
too much because of this boy and his big truck. 

It's been a good week. Full of Disney movies, late night board games, sleeping in, and Just Dance. Now today I need to focus on getting ahead on some homework. But one last picture before I go. 

The roomies and I braved Walmart Monday
night. This was the bread isle. Insane. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tests? Already?

So the past week was very busy and this one will be too I'm sure. I'll just give a quick run through of what all went down. First we have the fun day, MLK Day. I went ice skating with the college group and had a blast. 

This is my dear friend Kim and me.
Oh and our college pastor, Snowden. 

The whole group

Then after we went ice skating we went to Red Robin... Yum! So yeah that was my fun day. Now moving on to the crazyness.

Tuesday was foods class where I discovered that for my class presentation I have to demonstrate to the class how to make a pie. I've done this once in my lifetime. 

My first pie... 3 years ago. 

and even then it was done with much help 
from this girl, Jana.

So I'm sure y'all will be seeing how that goes. There will be lots of practice. Moving on in the week...

Thursday I put up my first bulletin board. 
10 Ways to Manage Work & Family

and this is me today... studying for 1 of my 2 
tests this week. (I also have to write a paper)

Don't ask me why I decided to start a blog during my busiest semester so far. I guess maybe because I know I wont be able to see some of my people much and this a way to tell them what's going on. So off I go to study some more, then make dinner, then go to bible study, then do homework and then maybe if I get a chance sleep. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dear Friends

It's been a busy past couple of days. I've had lots of homework and took my first test of the semester. Last night was a good night with friends though. My good friend Chris is going back to school in Arkansas so we had a going away party for him. There was a lot of good chili, hot dogs, and Nerf gun fights. Jeff and I were a skilled team. I'm thinking I might need to consider becoming a sniper.

The winning team: Erin and Jeff

Our opponents: Zack and Jana

I'm not going to lie we whooped their butts and they even had the machine gun. They put up a good fight though. So even though there's been a lot of homework, over all it's been a pretty fun weekend and lucky me I still have one more day! Yay for MLK Day!

Chris and the girls
Love that kid

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Recipe Memory

For Foods I had to write a paragraph about my favorite recipe and fond memories I have because of it. I thought for today's blog and I'd share it with y'all.

 One of the foods I have the fondest memories of is Snickerdoodles. My mom has made Snickerdoodles for as long as I can remember. I've also loved to help her for as long as I can remember. I had a little cream colored apron that I would wear and after I put it on I would climb up on the chair to help her. I remember always giving up after just a few seconds of stirring and then I'd jump back in when it was time to roll them up in little balls. When it was all said and done I was usually covered in flour but we had some delicious little cookies. To this day I'm still somewhat known for my Snickerdoodles. I love to make them for my boyfriend every now and then as a little surprise and usually everyone in the family needs to help test them. I'm still working on perfecting them but I think I'm getting pretty close. No matter what though I always have fun making them and they always bring back a lot of memories.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Going to Give This Blogging a Try

Well if you're here reading my blog you most likely know who I am. I've been told I need to start a blog because all the cool people have blogs. What I'll do on this blog I don't really know. I have a feeling though that it will document my new life as a Family and Consumer Science major. It's been suggested that I do a blog like in Julie and Julia seeing as one of my classes this semester is Foods. Yep, the class is called Foods. I'll do my best to make this blog somewhat interesting and hopefully have some pictures to document what's going on in my life. Mostly this blog is here to keep the people who want to know about what going on in my life at ECU in the know :) (and to make Jana happy) So I hope you enjoy and I hope I can figure this whole blogging thing out! 


Today in Foods I learned that expensive isn't always better. The Great Value canned peaches looked much better and were much cheaper than a well known fruit and veggie brand.